Our Story

Our Story

The story of Steer-Buxx™ Coffee started in 2008 in the middle of a recession. Three friends that grew up like brothers, from Randolph, Ohio wanted to bring a different coffee experience to events such as fairs, festivals and graduation parties. They decided to test their idea in a tent at the Portage County Randolph Fair. Our initial experiment was a success that still continues today. The foundation of Steer-Buxx™ Coffee in that tent and every event since has revolved around outstanding quality. Our signature coffee beans are born in the mountains of Costa Rica and our decaf coffee beans hail from the mountains of Colombia. All our beans are roasted fresh by our private small batch roaster. This attention to detail and our high standards ensures that a cup of coffee or one of our specialty coffee drinks at an event are extremely fresh and delicious. Our specialty drinks have become an annual tradition for many of our loyal customers. They are always happy to have their first Cowboy Latte, Cowboy Caramel Latte or Redneck Mocha each year. When we are working a fair, we often support local 4H kids. We have purchased many 4 H projects. Supporting young future farmers, connects with many of our core values: honesty, strong work ethic and family. It is an honor and a pleasure to keep our customers "going" each week.

After many years of requests, we are finally ready to expand and evolve. Our new web store is an opportunity for current/future customers to purchase coffee and merchandise. The "Contact Us" form is another option to help connect Steer-Buxx™ Coffee with new events and customers. We are very interested in making your graduation party something unique and special. If you are having a wedding with a country theme or a good old fashioned barn wedding, Steer-Buxx™ Coffee could be a great addition to the festivities. So, whether you need a bag of fresh coffee, a sticker for your computer/hard hat  or a little "kick" at a graduation party, "Join the Herd" and contact Steer-Buxx™ Coffee!